Former Foster Youth
If you have aged out from foster care and want to equip yourself to live a successful independent life through a post -secondary degree at a Georgia Technical College or a 4-year University learn more and apply today.
Hear Our Stories!
Hear what people already in the Youth Opportunities program have to say!

FaithBridge Youth Opportunities
For Sergio, something as simple as a calculator that he couldn’t afford made him drop out of school. Take a look at this video to learn how the Youth Opportunities program stepped in to help.
The ways FaithBridge can help you achieve self-sufficiency:
We will work together to assess your needs, set personal goals, and provide you with the support you need to be self-sufficient. All young adults are responsible for staying current in their plan. Services provided are dependent on individual needs.* These services could include:

Degree or Vocational Certification Achievement

Overcoming Financial Obstacles

Building Essential Life Skills

Career Launch
*Not all participants will qualify for each service.
**Click here to learn more about the Technical College System of Georgia.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I qualify?
In order to qualify for the Youth Opportunities program you must:
- Have been in foster care in the State of Georgia at 14 years of age or later
- Have been in foster care for a minimum of six months
- Have a high school diploma or a GED
What if I don’t have a High School diploma or GED?
You can apply to get a high school diploma through these programs:
Dual Achievement: If you are 18-20 years of age, please click here. You will find specific contact people for the campus nearest you. If there are no campuses near you, don’t worry they have partner campuses all over the state. Please contact Lauren Edgar via email at ledgar@tcsg.edu for more information.
Career Plus: If you are 21 or older please click here. You will find specific contact people for the campus nearest you. Please contact Laura Lee Bernstein via email at lbernstein@tcsg.edu for more information.
Once you are active in one of these programs, you can apply to Youth Opportunities.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Please fill out the form on our Contact page by clicking here.
How do I recommend someone for this program?
Please send any eligible youth to the application page by clicking here.